25 November 2007

Red String Kabbalah Bracelet

Protection against the Evil Eye

A person possessed of an evil eye carries with him the eye of the destroying negative force; hence it is called "destroyer of the world," and people should be on their guard against them and not come near them so that they should not be injured by them! [Zohar I, p.68b]

The Evil Eye
The Red String protects us from the influences of the Evil Eye. Evil eye is a very powerful negative force. It refers to the unfriendly stare and unkind glances we sometimes get from people around us. Envious eyes and looks of ill will affect us, stopping us from realizing our full potential in every area of our life.

Long ago, the ancient Kabbalah scholars revealed a powerful technology of protection. Its purpose is twofold: to protect us from the envious looks of others, and to help us eliminate feelings of jealousy and resentment in ourselves. The technology is the Red String: a strand of Red wool worn around the left wrist.

The teachings of Kabbalah do not include prohibitions or commandments. Instead, the kabbalah speak of positive and negative energies. The negative energies of jealousy and envy emanate through the eyes—which gave rise to the very vivid and very ancient term, the Evil Eye.

The Evil Eye is part of the wisdom history of all humanity. It was spoken of by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. It was written of in the Bible. It has been accorded fear and respect by kings, queens, and conquerors throughout the ages. The ancient Greek seafarers painted eyes on the prows of their ships as protection against this power. The Romans called it "Oculus Malus". To the Scots it was "Droch Shuil". Kabbalah scholars refer to it as "Ayin Harah". According to the Kabbalah, this form of negative energy can affect our lives and well-being. It can hold us back from achieving our destinies and it can also cause us to lose what we have already achieved.

How the Kabbalah Red String Works

Worn around the left wrist, the Kabbalah Red String works in the same way as the vaccines of modern medicine. When we receive a vaccination against a disease, a weakened strain of the illness is integrated into the vaccine. Spiritual immunizations are based on a similar principle. Kabbalah teaches that colors have specific frequencies and energies. Red, for example, is the color of danger. By binding a Red String to ourselves in a very specific manner, we shield ourselves against the dangerous negativity that might be directed our way, a spiritual vaccine against the destructive forces of the Evil Eye.

The color Red is one part of the technology. The rest begins in Israel, where a length of Red String is wound around the tomb of Rachel, the Matriarch of the Bible. Rachel is considered by Kabbalah scholars to be the mother of the world, and her greatest desire is to defend all of her children from evil. Throughout her life, Rachel acted as the protector of all humankind. According to Kabbalah, the burial sites of the righteous are a portal to the energy they created in their lifetimes. The Red String is brought to Rachel’s tomb where it is infused with her force of protection, for no power is stronger than a mother’s natural protective love. Each and every Red String from the Kabbalah Center must undergo this process in order to be considered an authentic form of protection against the Evil Eye.

Wearing the Kabbalah Red String

The Red String is individually sized and worn around the left wrist. The left side of the body has been identified by Kabbalah scholars as the area where energy enters. The left arm and hand pertain to the concept of receiving; the right arm and hand embody the power of imparting. Negative forces, therefore, enter the body through the left side. By wearing the Red String on the left wrist, negative energies are intercepted at the precise point of entry. The string is tied in a carefully prescribed sequence of seven knots, each of which symbolizes a separate spiritual dimension that infuses our reality.

Have someone you love and trust tie the Red String to your left wrist. First, have them tie the string closely around your wrist with a simple knot. Repeat by knotting the string six more times for a total of seven knots. Now make a promise to yourself that you will refrain from negative thoughts or talk about others. This harmful behavior will interfere with your effort to gain personal fulfillment and protection. Then have the person finish by saying the Ben Porat Prayer which prevents others from giving us the evil eye.

Anyone who dons The Red String with the awareness of Rachel the Matriarch and these powerful meditations is surrounded by the full force of protection she manifested in our physical world.

1 comment:

sever said...

iyi günler dilerim :)